Monday, May 12, 2008

how not to stop a fast-moving skateboard

possibilities include:
sitting down
stepping off the board
doing nothing
running into a wall
going off the side of the road and doing a forward somersault through some brush

me? I chose the last one. I would have been much better off to footbrake or slide, but I thought I might fall if I tried either of those, so I figured I was better off falling into something green than onto something asphalt. I didn't get hurt too badly, just reopened my knee that was nearly healed from my injury sustained while skating at GCC.

Random pictures taken since the last post:


Matt Metzger said...

hey! i'm jealous already. post some more content! also, you should allow OpenID signatures on this blog

Jackson said...

I think I see where you tried to stop your skateboard.

Peter said...

thanks for the comments, guys. and matt, I have enabled comments with OpenID signatures :)